Fresh Air Filters for Mechanical Ventilation Radon Mitigation Systems

  • An air intake filter is a no-brainer.
  • Your car’s engine has a first class filter to promote a clean engine and long engine life
  • No filter on this radon system
  • Maintenance shut system down to stop tenant complaints of high humidity from over-ventilation
  • An unserviced homemade filter could have blocked off airflow to prevent high humidity and tenant complaints.
Unfiltered Fresh Air Intake
Wasps found a nice dry home to raise their families. Mud daubers easily pass through hog's hair filters to build mud nests for their babies inside radon ducts

An unserviced radon mitigation filter. Airflow has been blocked and radon has risen to pre-mitigation levels. But no one knows to service the filter. The instructions were not seen until years later.  Why would the radon mitigators not want the occupants to service the filter to keep the system reducing radon?

An Unserviced Filter air i ntake filter