SmartVentilation, Inc.(239) [email protected]
Radon Mitigation Based in Building ScienceCustom Hardware and ElectronicsReliable Indoor Humidity ControlProven Success
Radon Mitigation 2.0:
R&D-Developed+Proven Products to Keep Your Family Safer from Radon and Your Home Free from Mold
Q: Your Car’s Engine Inhales Highly-Filtered Fresh Air. WHY?
A: Because all Manufacturers Want to Prevent Premature Engine Death
Q: Shouldn’t Your Family Inhale Even Cleaner MERV 14-15 Filtered Fresh Air than your car’s engine. WHY?
A: To Keep Pollen, Mold Spores, Radioactive/Toxic Heavy Metal-laden PM2.5 Particles, Red Tide, Blue-Green Algae Neurotoxins, Bacteria, and Viruses Out of Their Lungs, Blood Streams, Bone Marrow, Brains, and Hearts where they accumulate day-by-day?
HOW? Pressurization / Dilution Using Super-Clean Fresh Air In Precise/Correct Amounts
Advanced Plug ‘N Play Engineering for Permit-Exempt / No-Delay Installation (often completed 2-3 days after deposit paid)
Reliable, Robotic Operation Prevents Mold without need for a Dehumidifier
We Designed and Manufacture The only available Fresh Air Filter System to meet ASHRAE and USEPA Standards: MERV 14-15 WHY? Because we refused to use Home-Made Fresh Air filters or to operate without any filter at all.
All parts and filters are always available On-Line
Incredible? The Home You Want Has Radon?
Maybe That is a Good Thing
It often means that the home is
Especially Well-Built and
Energy Efficient.
239 571 2227 – [email protected]
Radon Can Always Be Fixed
Radon Mitigation: Any Floor, Condos, Apartments, MultiFamily Housing, Single Family Residences
NEW Technology 1: Daisy Deuce Radon Mitigation Retrofit Module
Passive Fresh Air Stub
No Filter, No Power, Sometimes connected to return air plenum.
Out of control at all times. May / May Not Mitigate Radon Successfully. Can Create Serious Mold Issues
Powered Fresh Air / Filtration Air Delivery Conversion Module.
Install it and forget it.
It knows what to do.
Switch filters every 12 months
MERV 13 Filtration12-24 monthsEasy Service from indoors500 filters in stock
Electronic Flow Control allows automatic humidity- mold prevention and optional CO2 control
Call Wayne: 239 571 2227 – for details and Availability
Wayne made Two Presentations at the AARST International Radon Symposium in Denver, 2019
The Daisy Deuce was Developed to overcome the issues revealed in this video
Radon Extractors were Developed to Deliver the Best Result when building workmanship allowed it
Radon Extraction Success depends upon a tight exterior pressure envelope and low HVAC supply and return duct leakage. Careful testing can identify favorable conditions.
BUT No Existing Fresh Air Ducts?
Technology 2: Daisy Ductless Radon Mitigation Fresh Air Delivery / Filtration Module
No Ducts Needed
Easily FIX RADON in MultiFamily Housing without any existing provision for Fresh Air
SuperFiltered, Clean Fresh Air
Installs through exterior wall from indoors with our custom line-bore rig. High efficiency cuttings capture system for no-cleanup, no restoration. In and out the door in two hours max.
The Plug ‘N Play Daisy module is only 9.25 inches in length to fit completely within and nearly flush with wall surfaces both indoors and outdoors. Architectural committees love it.
Experience over seven years has revealed that Daisy-delivered fresh air is quickly distributed to reduce radon throughout the home and without the need for installation of dehumidifiers, ducts or construction of soffits.
Engineered to be fully exempt from permitting for no-delay installations.
Superb Filtration: SmartVentilation Type III
MERV 14-15, which is the Equivalent of an N-95 Face Mask for all the fresh air entering your home.
Type III filters are factory manufactured to SmartVentilation specifications. Filtration Performance is equivalent to an N-95 face mask for all outdoor air delivered by the Daisy. Filter Service Life is 12-24 months. The filter may be serviced in two minutes without tools from indoors and from outdoors. Replacements and accessories are available at
Type III filters capture pollen, mold spores, radioactive PM2.5, bacteria, viruses, even smoke to keep them out of the breathing zone and out of the occupants’ blood, lungs, bone marrow, heart, and brain. MERV 14-15 exceeds US EPA recommendations of MERV 13.
Master Control Panel: Three Essential Functions
- Humidity Management / Mold Prevention – Robotic
- Radon Level Adjustment by Jeweler’s Screwdriver
- Digital Performance Meter in CFM
Optional: Concealed Power Supply
FIRST: Mold Prevention SmartVentilation’s indoor relative humidity controller Prevents Mold from Daisy Operation. 60% indoor relative humidity is recognized as the mold growth threshold at 76 degrees F. If indoor relative humidity rises above 59.9%, within seconds, the Master Control Panel will temporarily suspend Daisy operation to keep indoor relative humidity below 60%. It is not uncommon to have cooling without de-humidification because of declines in air conditioner performance. If that happens, the Daisy will immediately know it and shut down until the air conditioner is repaired.
SECOND: Radon Level Adjustment SmartVentilation’s radon level control feature allows the home’s occupants to adjust the radon level to their preference. (subject to system performance limitations) Adjusting Radon Level
THIRD: Digital Performance Meter A digital meter indicates the performance level of the Daisy to allow precise performance adjustment settings. We have found that 1200′ -1600′ tightly-built, energy efficient homes usually need only a precise 18-20 cubic feet per minute to achieve the preferred radon reduction goal. The adjustable Daisy Ductless makes it easy with precision. At that rate, Daisy Ductless airflow is nearly undetectable. Multiple Daisy installations for larger homes.
What Does A Daisy Ductless Look Like?
Paint it to match the wall
A Daisy Air Delivery Grille is 7″ in diameter and extends from the wall about 1/8″. The grille is laser-cut of acrylic and may be painted. The Type III filter cartridge may be exchanged from indoors or outdoors, without tools and usually without need for even a step stool. The Daisy is Plug ‘N Play for easy service by almost any handy person. All parts are available at Daisies have a remarkable record of reliability even under severe salt-spray conditions.
No new soffits required; no moldy air handler closets. No need to install a dehumidifier later. No homemade filter to service every 60 to 90 days from the top of a 10 foot ladder.
Safety Siren Series 4 Pro Radon Meter
Is Your MV Radon System Keeping Your Family Safe?
Or has it failed and you don’t know?
Silent, usually out of sight
What does it mean?
Does it give you confidence?
With RadonRESSQ, LLC You will know your radon level at all times, 24 / 7 / 365.
And if our system fails, you will hear a beep, beep, beep to tell you to call for repair.
And we will restore operation without delay.
And if you want to adjust the radon level accurately and without guesswork, it is easy to do with a jeweler’s screwdriver.
It only takes a few seconds.The radon meter will guide you and confirm your safety.
No batteries to go dead, corrode, and damage the instrument.
METER INCLUDED (This meter is our favorite; it has everything you need.)
Daisy Ductless
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